Positive Thinking and Your Creative Mind - 7 Steps to Success
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You have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you just can't wait to test out. The question is, do you really want to bring it out into the light? What could motivate you to churn your creative, inspiring juices to their utmost flavor?
Did you know that it always helps to set a time limit to your personal goals? Set yourself up so you can accomplish the most tasks in record time. For example, mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV. A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable.
It's simple. If you begin to allow yourself a bit of positive thinking then you will begin to realize things that you never thought possible. Thinking big is indeed the American Way and that what made our country prosperous. You can follow other great Americans who tapped into their creative mind and began to thing big..
Discover some tips to make it through your first week of possibility thinking even if you're just sitting in your favorite couch. Your mind is constantly at work for you. Tap into it's great resource while doing everyday activities.
1. Act. You must take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. My mother (probably quoting someone else) always said, "Action speaks louder than words". Without action, passion is void.
Dreams become reality when you simply start by tinkering with your mind, then with your hands. And if the idea weakens or falters you can always go back to it later until you finish it. Thomas Edison and his Dream Team had to go back to the idea of a light bulb and recalculate it over 1,000 times before the first working light bulb begin to light the world.
2. Love. Commit to yourself. Then commit to those you love to powerfully create a life you can love. Instead of reacting, commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. The American Dream will always be there, but a dream will still be a dream without motion. Be amazed as the transformation begins.
3. Live. Embrace moments and opportunities. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Every time you hit on something that may appear too extreme why not give it a shot anyway. See if it will work. You may be surprised with the results. If you are not then decide to use that moment to learn from it and make the appropriate shift. Learning and growing from mistakes and failures is a part of living.
4. Be grateful. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way. Necessity is the mother of invention. Have you ever been stuck without something you needed and had to make do with something else? (MacGyver,from the famous tv show, was famous for that!) How grateful were you that you had the means to solve your situation? Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude and away from poverty consciousness.
5. Be Passionate. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda whirlwind. The former is based on increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack. As you face people or tasks that may seem harder than scaling the summit of the Himalayas, allow yourself to realize that the task is just as important as giving out orders to your subordinates. You would rather be richly passionate!
6. Laugh. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself whenever possible. You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! I have yet to see a comedian ever go hungry even though his jokes are as 'old as great-grandma'. Life has too much to offer to allow yourself to mope around in self pity. Humor is very attractive, very passionate: life-giving.
7. Discover Your Purpose. Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. Realizing how you wish to be remembered when you pass from this life is a truly driving force. Your purpose for being can be a seemingly simple as being a great parent to as elaborate as discovering miraculous cures.
When you have a strong purpose no one can take your passionate future from you except for you! Truly, as long as there's still breath in your body, there is no end to how much you can accomplish in a lifetime. Discovering and following your purpose will enable you to enjoy your work. Celebrate in the discovery that acting on your creative mind's thoughts is fulfilling your purpose. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.
Activate your positive thinking. Stretch your imagination. Think bigger than you feel comfortable. Act on your thoughts. The number one tip here is action. You want to start practicing these steps.
Think about this: It is unfortunate that so many people still do not use a computer because it appears too complicated to begin using. Or maybe they just keep putting it off till a more convenient time. These are just a couple of limitations one can set up for themselves. Limitations and failure to act on ideas and opportunities leave many as a dim bulb in a dark corner.
Alert! You are not doomed to darkness. You are interested in living a life of purpose and love. The wonderful, creative idea in you is about to be released. You are interested in doing this because you are reading this article. Fortunately if you truly desire something, the will to attain it will open your creative mind to find a way.
Now you need only to begin to act on your desire to create. Act now! Make your path to creativity and follow your purpose. Take your first step today with a positive attitude.
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
Self-Employed Tax Strategies
Self-Employed Tax Strategies
Self-employed individuals always cringe at the amount of taxes the pay to the IRS and state. Here are tax strategies for self-employed individuals that reduce those tax amounts.
Tax Strategies The good news is being self-employed is one of the best tax strategies out there. Unlike a salaried employee, the full scope of tax credits and deductions available in the tax code are now available to you. The key, of course, is understanding the available deductions and organizing your business in a manner that allows you to maximize the write-offs.
The number one tax strategy for self-employed individuals is to keep receipts for every business expense and write them off. Practically anything can be deducted, so do it. Acceptable expenses include cell phone usage, business mileage, office supplies, home office deductions including part of mortgage or rent and so on. If you've filed a tax return while self-employed, you are probably already aware of this so lets move on to more specific tax strategies for self-employed individuals.
Maximizing you non-capital losses can result in major tax savings. If your expenses exceed your income for a year, you obviously will not have to pay taxes for that year. What most people don't realize, however, is that such losses can be carried forward for seven years and deducted against future income. Alternatively, the same losses can be carried backward three years to recover past taxes paid. The end result of this situation is you can turn a bad business year into an income generator by applying the losses to taxes in other years which effectively wipes out your tax bill for those years.
Another tax strategy is to look at your side businesses. If you have one business, you'll often have a second one that is tailored to making some money off a personal interest. While you are in it mostly because you like it, you may not realize it qualifies as a business and can help you reduce your taxes. Let's assume you are primarily a self-employed consultant, but also write travel articles on the side. You may view the travel articles as a hobby, but it is in fact a business. If you've sold or even tried to sell any of your articles to a publication, all of your expenses related to travel writing can be deducted from your taxable income. This includes trips and so on. These, deductions can significantly reduce your taxable income from the consulting business. Make sure to get a grasp of your overall business efforts, even if you don't really consider them to be a business.
Consider employing your children to save on taxes. A child under 18 that works for you does not have to pay FICA and so on. If the total wages for the year are under $4,250, they will pay no taxes and you can write off this amount as a legitimate business expense. Of course, the child needs to actually be doing a legitimate business task, but filing and similar manual tasks certainly will qualify.
Tax strategies for the self-employed are plentiful. If you are self-employed, consider getting professional help. A good professional will save you thousands upon thousands of dollars in taxes, more than making up for their fees. Oh, you can also deduct their fees!
Self-employed individuals always cringe at the amount of taxes the pay to the IRS and state. Here are tax strategies for self-employed individuals that reduce those tax amounts.
Tax Strategies The good news is being self-employed is one of the best tax strategies out there. Unlike a salaried employee, the full scope of tax credits and deductions available in the tax code are now available to you. The key, of course, is understanding the available deductions and organizing your business in a manner that allows you to maximize the write-offs.
The number one tax strategy for self-employed individuals is to keep receipts for every business expense and write them off. Practically anything can be deducted, so do it. Acceptable expenses include cell phone usage, business mileage, office supplies, home office deductions including part of mortgage or rent and so on. If you've filed a tax return while self-employed, you are probably already aware of this so lets move on to more specific tax strategies for self-employed individuals.
Maximizing you non-capital losses can result in major tax savings. If your expenses exceed your income for a year, you obviously will not have to pay taxes for that year. What most people don't realize, however, is that such losses can be carried forward for seven years and deducted against future income. Alternatively, the same losses can be carried backward three years to recover past taxes paid. The end result of this situation is you can turn a bad business year into an income generator by applying the losses to taxes in other years which effectively wipes out your tax bill for those years.
Another tax strategy is to look at your side businesses. If you have one business, you'll often have a second one that is tailored to making some money off a personal interest. While you are in it mostly because you like it, you may not realize it qualifies as a business and can help you reduce your taxes. Let's assume you are primarily a self-employed consultant, but also write travel articles on the side. You may view the travel articles as a hobby, but it is in fact a business. If you've sold or even tried to sell any of your articles to a publication, all of your expenses related to travel writing can be deducted from your taxable income. This includes trips and so on. These, deductions can significantly reduce your taxable income from the consulting business. Make sure to get a grasp of your overall business efforts, even if you don't really consider them to be a business.
Consider employing your children to save on taxes. A child under 18 that works for you does not have to pay FICA and so on. If the total wages for the year are under $4,250, they will pay no taxes and you can write off this amount as a legitimate business expense. Of course, the child needs to actually be doing a legitimate business task, but filing and similar manual tasks certainly will qualify.
Tax strategies for the self-employed are plentiful. If you are self-employed, consider getting professional help. A good professional will save you thousands upon thousands of dollars in taxes, more than making up for their fees. Oh, you can also deduct their fees!
Senin, 14 Maret 2011
Ekonomi Islam dalam Pandangan Adam Smith
Ekonomi Islam Dalam Teori Ekonomi Modern
Teori ekonomi islam sebenarnya bukan ilmu baru atau sesuatu diturnksn secara mendasar dari teori ekonomi yang ada sekarang. Sejarah membuktikan para pemikr Islam merupakan penmu atau peletak dasar semua bidang ilmu. Berikut ulasan bagaimana peranan ekonomi Islam dalam teori rkonomi modern.
Para ekonom muslim sendiri mengakui, mereka banyak membaca dan dipengaruhi oleh tulisan-tulisan Aristoteles (367-322 SM) sebagai filsuf yang banyak menulis masalah ekonomi. Namun, mereka tetap menjadikan Qur’an dan hadits sebagai rujukan utama dalam menulis teori-teori ekonomi Islam.
Schumperter menyebut dua kontribusi ekonom Scholastic, yaitu penemuan kembali tulisan-tulisan Aristoteles dan towering achievment At. Thomas Aquinus. Schumperter hanya menulis tiga baris dalsm catatan kakinya nama Ibnu Sina dan Ibnu Rusyd dalam kiaitan roses transmisi pemikiran Aristoteles kepada St. Thumas.
Pemikiran St. Thomas sendiri banyak yang bertentangan dengan dogma-dogma gereja sehingga para sejarawan menduga St. Thomas mencuri ide-ide itu dari para ekonom Islam. Adapun proses pencurian terjadi dalam berbagai bentuk.
Pada abad ke-11 dan ke-12 sejumlah pemikir Barat seperti Constantine the African, Adelard of Bath melakukan perjalanan ke Timur Tengah. Mereka belajar bahasa Arab dan melakukan studi serta membawa ilmu-ilmu baru ke Eropa. Contohnya, Leonardo Febonacci atau Leonardo of pisa belajar di Bougie, Aljazair pada abad ke-12. Ia juga belajar aritmatika dan matematika al-Khawarizmi dan sekembalinya dari sana ia menulis buku Liber Abaci pada 1202.
Raymond Lily (1223-1215) yang telah melakukan perjalan ke negara-negara Arab mendirikan lima universitas yang mengajarkan bahasa Arab sehingga banyak yangmenerjemahkan karya-karya ekonom Islam. Diantara penerjemah tersebut adalah Adelard of Bath, Constantine the African, Michael Scol, Hermaan the German, Dominic Gundislvi, John of serville, Plato o Trivoli, William of Luna, Robert Chester, Gerard of Cremona, Theodorus of Anticoch, Alfred of Sarashel, Baranger of Falancia, dan Mathew of Aquasparta.
Sementara itu, diantara penerjemah Yahudi adalah Jacob Anatolio, Jacob ben Macher Ibn Tibbon, Kalanymus ben Kalonymus, Moses ben solomon of Solon, Shem-Tob ben Isaac of tortosa, Solomon ibnu Ayyub, Todros Todrosi, Zerahiah Gracian, Faraj ban Salim, dan Yaqub ban Abbon Marie. Adapun karya-karya ekonom muslim yang diterjemahkan adalah al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibnu Sina, al-Ghazali, Ibnu Rusyd, al-Khawarizm, Ibnu Haitham, Ibnu Hazm, Jabir Ibnu Hayyan, Ibu Bajja, ar-Razi.
Beberapa institut ekonomi yang ditiru oleh Barat dari dunia Islam antara lain syirkah (serikat dagang),suftaja (bills of axchange). Hiwala (letters of credit), dar-ut Tiraz (pabrik uang didirikan dan dijalankan negara) di Spanyol, Sicilia, Palermo dan ma’una (sejenis privat bank) dikenal di Barat ebagai Maona. Beberapa pemikiran ekonom Islam yang dicuri tanpa pernah disebut sumber kutipannya antara lain:
• Teori Pareto Optimum diambil dari kitab Nahjul Balaghah Imam Ali.
• Bar Habraeus, pendata Syriac Jacobite Church menyalin beberapa bab ihya Ulumuddin al-Ghazali.
• Gresham law dan Oresme Treatise diambil dari kitab Ibnu Taimiyah.
• Pendeta Gereja Spanyol Ordo Dominician Raymond Martini menyalin banyak bab dari Tahafut al-Falasifa, Maqasid al-Falasifa, al-Munqid, Mishkatal-Anwar, dan Ihya-nya al-Ghazali.
• St. Thomas menyalin banyak bab dari al-Farabi (Stm Thomas yang belajar di Ordo Dominician mempelajari ide-ide al-Ghazali dari Bar Habraeus dan Martini).
• Bapak Ekonomi barat, Adam Smtih (1776 M), dengan bukunya The Wealth of Nation diduga banyak mendapatinspirasi dari buku al-amwal-nya Abu Ubaid (838 M) yang dalam bahasa inggrisnya adalah persis judul bukunya Adam Smith, The Wealth.
Banyak dari teori-teori ekonomi modern yang merupakan hasil curian dari pemikiran ekonomiIslam. Oleh karena itu, sikap umat Islam terhadap ilmu-ilmu dari Barat, termasuk ilmu ekonomi, adalah la tukadzibuhu jamii’a wala tushahibuhu jamii’a. Maka ekonom Islam tidak perlu terkesima dangan teori-teori ekonomi Barat. Ekonom Islam perlu mempunyai akses terhadapkitab-kitan klasik Islam.Fuqahha Islam perlu mempelajari akan teori-teori ekonomi modern agar dapat menerjemahkan kondisi ekonomimodern dalam bahasa kitab klasik Islam.
Teori ekonomi islam sebenarnya bukan ilmu baru atau sesuatu diturnksn secara mendasar dari teori ekonomi yang ada sekarang. Sejarah membuktikan para pemikr Islam merupakan penmu atau peletak dasar semua bidang ilmu. Berikut ulasan bagaimana peranan ekonomi Islam dalam teori rkonomi modern.
Para ekonom muslim sendiri mengakui, mereka banyak membaca dan dipengaruhi oleh tulisan-tulisan Aristoteles (367-322 SM) sebagai filsuf yang banyak menulis masalah ekonomi. Namun, mereka tetap menjadikan Qur’an dan hadits sebagai rujukan utama dalam menulis teori-teori ekonomi Islam.
Schumperter menyebut dua kontribusi ekonom Scholastic, yaitu penemuan kembali tulisan-tulisan Aristoteles dan towering achievment At. Thomas Aquinus. Schumperter hanya menulis tiga baris dalsm catatan kakinya nama Ibnu Sina dan Ibnu Rusyd dalam kiaitan roses transmisi pemikiran Aristoteles kepada St. Thumas.
Pemikiran St. Thomas sendiri banyak yang bertentangan dengan dogma-dogma gereja sehingga para sejarawan menduga St. Thomas mencuri ide-ide itu dari para ekonom Islam. Adapun proses pencurian terjadi dalam berbagai bentuk.
Pada abad ke-11 dan ke-12 sejumlah pemikir Barat seperti Constantine the African, Adelard of Bath melakukan perjalanan ke Timur Tengah. Mereka belajar bahasa Arab dan melakukan studi serta membawa ilmu-ilmu baru ke Eropa. Contohnya, Leonardo Febonacci atau Leonardo of pisa belajar di Bougie, Aljazair pada abad ke-12. Ia juga belajar aritmatika dan matematika al-Khawarizmi dan sekembalinya dari sana ia menulis buku Liber Abaci pada 1202.
Raymond Lily (1223-1215) yang telah melakukan perjalan ke negara-negara Arab mendirikan lima universitas yang mengajarkan bahasa Arab sehingga banyak yangmenerjemahkan karya-karya ekonom Islam. Diantara penerjemah tersebut adalah Adelard of Bath, Constantine the African, Michael Scol, Hermaan the German, Dominic Gundislvi, John of serville, Plato o Trivoli, William of Luna, Robert Chester, Gerard of Cremona, Theodorus of Anticoch, Alfred of Sarashel, Baranger of Falancia, dan Mathew of Aquasparta.
Sementara itu, diantara penerjemah Yahudi adalah Jacob Anatolio, Jacob ben Macher Ibn Tibbon, Kalanymus ben Kalonymus, Moses ben solomon of Solon, Shem-Tob ben Isaac of tortosa, Solomon ibnu Ayyub, Todros Todrosi, Zerahiah Gracian, Faraj ban Salim, dan Yaqub ban Abbon Marie. Adapun karya-karya ekonom muslim yang diterjemahkan adalah al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibnu Sina, al-Ghazali, Ibnu Rusyd, al-Khawarizm, Ibnu Haitham, Ibnu Hazm, Jabir Ibnu Hayyan, Ibu Bajja, ar-Razi.
Beberapa institut ekonomi yang ditiru oleh Barat dari dunia Islam antara lain syirkah (serikat dagang),suftaja (bills of axchange). Hiwala (letters of credit), dar-ut Tiraz (pabrik uang didirikan dan dijalankan negara) di Spanyol, Sicilia, Palermo dan ma’una (sejenis privat bank) dikenal di Barat ebagai Maona. Beberapa pemikiran ekonom Islam yang dicuri tanpa pernah disebut sumber kutipannya antara lain:
• Teori Pareto Optimum diambil dari kitab Nahjul Balaghah Imam Ali.
• Bar Habraeus, pendata Syriac Jacobite Church menyalin beberapa bab ihya Ulumuddin al-Ghazali.
• Gresham law dan Oresme Treatise diambil dari kitab Ibnu Taimiyah.
• Pendeta Gereja Spanyol Ordo Dominician Raymond Martini menyalin banyak bab dari Tahafut al-Falasifa, Maqasid al-Falasifa, al-Munqid, Mishkatal-Anwar, dan Ihya-nya al-Ghazali.
• St. Thomas menyalin banyak bab dari al-Farabi (Stm Thomas yang belajar di Ordo Dominician mempelajari ide-ide al-Ghazali dari Bar Habraeus dan Martini).
• Bapak Ekonomi barat, Adam Smtih (1776 M), dengan bukunya The Wealth of Nation diduga banyak mendapatinspirasi dari buku al-amwal-nya Abu Ubaid (838 M) yang dalam bahasa inggrisnya adalah persis judul bukunya Adam Smith, The Wealth.
Banyak dari teori-teori ekonomi modern yang merupakan hasil curian dari pemikiran ekonomiIslam. Oleh karena itu, sikap umat Islam terhadap ilmu-ilmu dari Barat, termasuk ilmu ekonomi, adalah la tukadzibuhu jamii’a wala tushahibuhu jamii’a. Maka ekonom Islam tidak perlu terkesima dangan teori-teori ekonomi Barat. Ekonom Islam perlu mempunyai akses terhadapkitab-kitan klasik Islam.Fuqahha Islam perlu mempelajari akan teori-teori ekonomi modern agar dapat menerjemahkan kondisi ekonomimodern dalam bahasa kitab klasik Islam.
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